This is a Jitsu.Classic documentation. For the lastest version, please visit Read about differences here.

πŸ“œ Configuration

Configuration UI

πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬ Extending Jitsu

Destination Extensions
Source Extensions
API Specs

Jitsu Internals

Jitsu Server

Deploy on Plural

Plural is a free, open-source tool that enables you to deploy Jitsu on Kubernetes with the cloud provider of your choice. Plural is a unified application deployment platform that makes it easy to run open-source software on Kubernetes. It aims to make applications as portable as possible, without sacrificing the ability for the users to own the applications they desire to use.

Getting Started

First, create an account on This is only to track your installations and allow for the delivery of automated upgrades, you will not be asked to provide any infrastructure credentials or sensitive information.

Then, install the Plural CLI by following steps 1, 2, and 3 of the instructions here.

You'll need a Git repository to store your Plural configuration in. This will contain the Helm charts, Terraform config, and Kubernetes manifests that Plural will autogenerate for you.

You have two options:

  • Run plural init in any directory to let Plural initiate an OAuth workflow to create a Git repo for you.
  • Create a Git repo manually, clone it down and run plural init inside it.

Running plural init will start a configuration wizard to configure your Git repo and your cloud provider for use with Plural. You're now ready to install Jitsu on your Plural repo.

Installing Jitsu

Plural installs a specific version of Jitsu rather than a latest one. See the version that is available on Plural in this file here

To find the console bundle name for your cloud provider, run:

plural bundle list jitsu

Now, all you need to do is run the install command to add it to your workspace:

plural bundle install jitsu jitsu-aws

Plural's Jitsu distribution currently has support for AWS, GCP and Azure ready to go, so feel free to pick whichever best fits your infrastructure.

The CLI will prompt you to choose whether you want to use Plural OIDC. OIDC allows you to login to the applications you host on Plural with your login to, acting as an SSO provider.

To generate the configuration and deploy your infrastructure, run:

plural build
plural deploy --commit "deploying jitsu"

Deploys will generally take 10-20 minutes, based on your cloud provider.

Installing the Plural Console

To make management of your installation as simple as possible, we recommend installing the Plural Console. The console provides tools to manage resource scaling, receiving automated upgrades, dashboards tailored to your Jitsu installation, and log aggregation. This can be done using the exact same process as above, using AWS as an example:

plural bundle install console console-aws
plural build
plural deploy --commit "deploying the console too"

Accessing your Jitsu Installation

Now, head over to to access the Jitsu UI.

Accessing your Console Installation

To monitor and manage your Jitsu installation, head over to the Plural Console at

Uninstalling Jitsu

To bring down your Plural installation of Jitsu at any time, run:

plural destroy jitsu

To bring your entire Plural deployment down, run:

plural destroy

Known issues

The only way to run Airbyte connectors on Plural is Docker-in-Docker (aka DinD). See GitHub discussion about that.


If you have any issues with installing Jitsu on Plural, feel free to join our Discord Community and we can help you out.

If you'd like to request any new features for our Jitsu installation, feel free to open an issue or PR at

Further Reading

To learn more about what you can do with Plural and more advanced uses of the platform, feel free to dive deeper into our docs here.