This is a Jitsu.Classic documentation. For the lastest version, please visit Read about differences here.

πŸ“œ Configuration

Configuration UI

πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬ Extending Jitsu

Destination Extensions
Source Extensions
API Specs

Jitsu Internals

Jitsu Server

Build from sources


Jitsu is written primarily in Go with the frontend written in JavaScript.

To install the required pre-requisites see the following guides:

Please make sure your version of Go is > 1.16 with the following command: go version.

Cloning source code

git clone
cd jitsu

Make build scripts executable:

chmod +x

Building Jitsu Server

Building Jitsu Server is simple, just run:

./ -d false

-d false skips docker image build.

If build is successful, all artifacts will be placed inside the ./server/build/dist directory:

$ ls -l ./server/build/dist
-rwxr-xr-x  1 vklmn  staff  30723620 Aug  6 15:58 eventnative
drwxr-xr-x  5 vklmn  staff       160 Aug  6 15:58 web

Run Jitsu Server

./eventnative is the main application binary; web contains static files (JS and HTML). Application doesn't require config file, but it will be mostly useless to run without config. You can generate config file on Cloud.Jitsu or create a new one according to Configuration documentation.

Run the application with the following:

Run the application with configuration file using -cfg parameter:

./eventnative -cfg /path/to/eventnative.yaml

The configuration might be one of the described formats. For example, run with Raw JSON configuration source:

./eventnative -cfg '{"server":{"name":"test_instance", "auth":"token1"}}'

Building Jitsu Configurator

For building Jitsu Configurator just run:

./ -d false

-d false skips docker image build.

If build is successful, all artifacts will be placed inside the ./configurator/build/dist directory:

$ ls -l ./server/build/dist
-rwxr-xr-x  1 vklmn  staff  50602019 Aug  6 15:58 configurator
drwxr-xr-x  5 vklmn  staff       608 Aug  6 15:58 web

Run Jitsu Configurator

./configurator is the configurator UI backend application binary; web contains static Configurator UI files (JS and HTML). Application requires config file. You can create one according to Configuration documentation.

Run the application with configuration file using -cfg parameter:

./configurator -cfg /path/to/configurator.yaml