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SQL debug logs

Jitsu support SQL debug logs: DDL statements as well as CRUD queries. This feature is disabled by default. For enabling it - fill sql_debug_log section in the configuration:

    enabled: true #default value
    path: <sql_debug_log_path_directory> or "global" constant
    rotation_min: 10 # optional, default is 5 minutes. If set 0, 24 hours would be kept
    max_backups: 20 # optional, log files won't be deleted if not set
    enabled: false #default value
    path: <sql_debug_log_path_directory> or "global" constant
    rotation_min: 10 # optional, default is 5 minutes. If set 0, 24 hours would be kept
    max_backups: 20 # optional, log files won't be deleted if not set

There are two sections with the same parameters - ddl and queries. Depending on what section is configured, the logger writes only DDL, only CRUD, or both types of queries. If both types of logging are configured to write to the same directory, DDL logs will have *-ddl-debug* name pattern and CRUD logs will have *-sql-debug* names.


For writing SQL debug logs to global application logs use the constant: global. For writing to separate files use a path to the dir


Enable or disable logger. SQL Queries log which contains all SQL insert statements can consume a lot of disk space, So it is disabled by default.


How often files should be rotated (will be ignored if global)


How many old log files should be kept. By default, all old log files will be kept. (will be ignored if global)