This is a Jitsu.Classic documentation. For the lastest version, please visit Read about differences here.

πŸ“œ Configuration

Configuration UI

πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬ Extending Jitsu

Destination Extensions
Source Extensions
API Specs

Jitsu Internals

Jitsu Server

API Specs

Jitsu exposes following HTTP API

Configuration API

This API is for configuring Jitsu: adding/removing/editing sources, destinations, api keys and etc. All operations available in Jitsu UI can be done with the API too. In fact, UI is talking with backend using the very same API

Jitsu Server API

Jitsu Server API is documentation is coming. We're in the process of migrating documentation to Open API spec. So far the documentation is scattered across different sections of documentation: