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Facebook Marketing


The Facebook connector pulls data from Facebook Insights API. The connector is highly configurable and can pull data broken down by any dimensions from ads-, adset-, campaign- or account-level data

Facebook Marketing exposes following collections: insights, ads

How to connect

1. Obtain Facebook Account ID

Facebook has a great article about How to get Facebook Account ID

2. Generate Short-lived (1 hour) Facebook Access token

  • Go to Facebook Graph API Explorer page
  • Select Facebook app which has access to your Facebook advertisements data
  • Select User token
  • Select two permissions: read_insights and ads_read
  • Click Generate Access Token

3. Generate Long-lived (60 days) Facebook Access token

For generating long lived access token please read Facebook article

Connection Parameters

How to get Facebook Account ID
How to get Facebook Access Token

Collection parameters

Collection is a set of objects that have the same structure and will be mapped to the same table in destination database. Collection may be configurable, and connector can synchronize several collection of the same type. If you're familiar with object-oriented programming, think of collection as class which can have multiple instances.

Facebook Marketing exposes following collections: insights, ads

Collection configuration: insights

Multiple selection (up to ): account_currency, account_id, account_name, ad_id ...and 20 more
Insights fields to download
One of: ad, adset, campaign, account
(not required; default: ad)
One of [ad, adset, campaign, account]. Read more about level

Collection configuration: ads

Multiple selection (up to ): bid_amount, adlabels, creative, status ...and 15 more
Ads fields to download
One of: ad, adset, campaign, account
(not required; default: ad)
One of [ad, adset, campaign, account]. Read more about level