This is a Jitsu.Classic documentation. For the lastest version, please visit Read about differences here.

πŸ“œ Configuration

Configuration UI

πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬ Extending Jitsu

Destination Extensions
Source Extensions
API Specs

Jitsu Internals

Jitsu Server

Destinations Configuration

Each destination is represented by YAML node of destinations section in the configuration file

    type: postgres | snowflake | redshift | s3 | bigquery | clickhouse | mysql | google_analytics | facebook | amplitude | hubspot
    mode: stream | batch #Optional. Default value is 'batch'
    only_tokens: [] #Optinal. Default value is array with all authorization tokens
    staged: true | false #Optional. Default value is false
    data_layout: #Optional
      table_name_template: $.event_type #Optional. Default value is 'events'
      mappings: #Optional. See documentation link below
      primary_key_fields: [] #Optional. See documentation link below
    enrichment: #Optional. See below for details
      - rule1: #rule 1
      - rule2: #rule 1
    log: #Optional. See documentation link below
    users_recognition: #Optional. Overrides global configuration. See documentation link below

  destination_name2: ...

Except that, destination-specific parameters (usually, connection credentials) should be present. Please, see individual destination configuration pages (see full list below).

Please set up a destination name (destination_name1 in the example) carefully. This value will be treated as id in multiple places (monitoring counters, logs, folder names) and should not be changed

Following parameters are common for all destination types

(** required)

type **One of supported destination types

batch or stream. Use batch for highloaded datasets (>10 events per second) and stream for others. Default value is batch


List of authorization tokens (secrets) ids. It is used for delimiting data from different tokens to different destinations. Please, see Authorization section. Please, put token id rather then client/server secret. Default value is all authorization tokens


Optional parameter to configure the mapping. See

Schema and Mappings


Optional parameter to configure primary key (works for PostgresSQL and Redshift so far). See

Primary keys configuration


Name of the destination table. Can be either constant string (all events will be written in a single table) or expression in

go template language

. The subject of expression is the event JSON. Example: data_{{.event_type}}


Data Enrichment rules configuration. See Enrichment Rules page


If set to true, data won't be stored at the destination. Only dry run operation is supported for staged destinations

Configuring destinations via HTTP - endpoint

If destinations configuration is generated by an external service, it is possible to externalize via HTTP end - point (or file) as follows:

destinations: "location"

The location can behttp(s):// of a local file (/path/to/file) location and should contain YAML or (JSON that is identical to YAML structure). If the location is an URL, the client will respect If-Modified-Since / Last-Modified caching.

Example of URL content:

  "destinations": { #json object where inner keys - destinations unique names
    "redshift_dab213ibda": { #destination config object
      "type": "redshift",
    "clickhouse_in31o31": {
      "type": "clickhouse",

All supported destinations

